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Things We Do at Stagecoach

Ice Fishing Tournament

Each year in January ice fishermen gather to try their skill and luck at catching the trout, walleye, and pike. Friends help staff this event and make sure everyone stays safe and fed as well as keeping the fire burning.

January 11, 2025

Raptor Program

Friends volunteers record raptor sightings install species appropriate nesting boxes and instruct the public about the raptors that call the park home.

Other Events

Fish to Fork Event, September 14, 2024

Know your Bat Campfire, Fridays June - August

Full Moon Snowshoe Hikes, As conditions allow

Junior Ranger Program

Firewood for Campers, Purchase from Camp Host

Debunk the Winter Funk

Friends staff the winter festival. This is a free event for the community. Come out and enjoy ski bikes, fat tire bikes, sledding, archery, ski touring, ice fishing and more. Refreshments are available for purchase.

February 8, 2025

Gravel Triathlon

This unique event allows triathletes to chose their mode of travel. The water portion permits swimming or paddleboarding while the bike portion allows any type of bike you want, but racing bike are not recommended. Friends assists Withoutlimits to set up the event, staff water stations, ensure safety during the event, and clean up afterward.

August 4, 2024.


The Paddle-thon is a benefit for Stagecoach State Park. Friends will be supporting this park event, which is open to all paddlers. Paddlers are encouraged to enlist sponsors and bring friends to join them as they navigate the paddle course around the lake. The event will have refreshments and live music.

July 5, 2025