Back to Boxes
…and other news
Packing Peanuts
Yes they’re Styrofoam but we reuse our peanuts, packing paper, and boxes. If only you could reuse tape!
Housing update: If you have been following us from the beginning, you know that we started our website with our move to Colorado. What you might not know is, we have been renting while looking for a house. It’s taken eight months, but we are now in the process of purchasing a house and will be moving before the end of the year, so we’re packing boxes. Since we’re not sure how long it will take to pack, and we don’t want to run out of time, we have been packing. If you thought our peripatetic lifestyle started with the camper, no. This will be our 12th move! We hope to stay in this one at least 20 years.
Camper update: We have winterize the trailer. That means draining the water tank, adding antifreeze, lubricating the hitch, and waterproofing the rain-fly. Some of that has been done for a while as we received our first snow on October 23.
We have new awning supports for the camper! Several trips back we were driving down the highway when suddenly the awning popped up. Don’t worry that’s only UP; it didn’t open out. We pulled over thinking we had not latched it only to discover the latch was bent. All the bouncing on back roads had stretched the eye part of the latch out. As you can see in the photo, we got that welded closed but then the hook part bent. Currently the hook is cracked and about to break off. Our on-the-road-fix has been to strap it down. Recently Patriot has come out with awning supports and replacement arms to fix this problem. RVs of America, sent us a set under warranty.
Patriot Camper, Awning Support
Blog News: You might have noticed our Sunday posts for Photo of the Week have changed to landscape. For the next few weeks we will be posting landscape photos on Sundays at noon (mountain standard time). There might be some astro photos too.
We have finally figured out a system to send notifications when we have a new blog post. The response has been very positive. Thank you for all your comments.
It takes time to “find your voice” and format. For now we have settled on Sunday posts being a photo of the week. You might have wondered what PotW at the top of our posts meant. Now you know. I find it humorous that I started calling them that without realizing the connection to my previous career where POTW meant Publicly Owned Treatment Work (i.e. water and wastewater treatment plants). I digress. On Wednesdays, also around noon, I will be posting descriptions of our trips, what we find along the way, and the area surrounding our photography sites. Occasionally I will be posting other news like this post.
Silly News: In case you ever wondered if western movies were realistic when they show tumbleweeds blowing through town, yes they really do.
We hope you find this revised format entertaining and informative. Please comment!