Indigenous People’s Day

Jeep Navigation System, Showing Us Falling off the Map!

December 14, 2022 - Hey Chris, Here is a map for you!

We have been waiting a really long to post that photo. Columbus Day seemed like the prefect time. Sometimes when we are out driving around we get behind a mountain or are in dense trees and the Jeep can’t find a satellite to update the map. When we see this, we always comment that we are about to fall off the planet. In this photo it looks like we aren’t even on a trail.

It’s all ok. We rarely navigate by the map in the Jeep. Normally we use We carry maps for the western half US so we can easily navigate without a satellite.

Since it is Indigenous People Day, if you want to know more about Christopher Columbus check out these facts and associated links.

People as early as the peak of Roman civilization knew the earth was round. Certainly every educated person from his period of time knew the earth was round. The myth that only Columbus thought it was round was created by the writer Washington Irving.

Indigenous people knew North America was here well before Columbus or Amerigo Vespucci;

Have you ever wondered how Columbus got so much good PR. Italian immigrants were trying to improve their image.

And finally, what Columbus did once he got the Hispaniola. He sent natives back to Spain as slaves, forced people to work in gold mines, and was eventually sent back to Spain in chains.

An unintended consequence of discovering our continent was the spread of European diseases like small pox resulting in the death of most of the islands population.



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