At Home: Momma Bear

June 3, Momma Bear came for her first visit of the summer. Later she returned with her three cubs. Sorry, we forgot to take their photo. If we had thought of it, this blog post would have been named, Four Bears in One Tree.

If you have ever been disgusted by your neighbor’s pets doing their business in your yard, be glad your neighbor doesn’t have a bear.

And that pile was one of two!

Meanwhile, “Mr.” Fox has also been busy catching some sort of rodent. We couldn’t tell exactly what he caught but he was interesting to watch. We photographed him one day on our way to town. I love that bushy tail!

No this isn’t going to turn into a wildlife blog. But people have expressed an interest in all the creatures that pass by. You will be seeing more animals in the POTW! We have some good ones coming.




Lava on Sand