Spring 23-March

This is the daily log for our Spring 2023 trip. It was written during our trip so people could find us if they need to. (If we got lost or for family emergencies) It was written with the most recent day at the top for easy reading at the time. If you are reading it now, scroll to the bottom to start reading. (watch the dates)

Double O Arch, Devil”s Garden Trail, Arches NP


3-31 Friday - The plan for today is to check out the north end of the park. We will look for a good place to do Astro photography and explore some dunes. And we saw this cool looking shore bird wadding in the desert? They like to breed near brackish marshes. They should be happy here.

American Avocet

3-30 Thursday - Yesterday we made it to Death Valley and camped on Echo Valley trail. Today we explored the area.

Campsite 6

When we come to Death Valley, it rains and snows on our first day here!?

At home: Out smoke detector needs a new battery. Yes it’s chirping!

The Jeep: Even filthier than yesterday.

Campsite 6, 3-29 Wednesday - Today we are headed to Death Valley. Our loquacious hotel neighbor pointed out a few places in the area around DV that we wanted to visit but had forgotten about. Thanks to him for the info and for the entertainment while waiting on the laundry.

3-28 Tuesday - We ended up in Barstow, CA for the night. It was good to get a shower and wash clothes in a real washing machine. Oh the extravagance!

3-27 Monday - We spent the day exploring the washes and slot canyons of the Anza Borrego desert. We even learned a fun fact. Did you every wonder where all the dirt that eroded out Grand Canyon went? We found it! It’s here.

Ocotillo in the Anza Borrego Desert

Campsite 5, 3-26 Sunday - Headed to Anza Borrego via Palm Springs, wind turbines, citrus, (date ?) palms. We had an interesting ride over and were surprised by the differences in the various deserts.

3-25 Saturday - The geology trail was reported to be open but when we got to the road, closure signs were still up. We’re did a couple of short hikes. Then saw the geo. trail was open. Best trail in the park with a great short hike near the end of the loop! Good wildflower photos.

3-24 Friday - The wind came back last night! I guess we should have expected high winds in southern CA in the spring. We headed south to a different section of JTNP today on Pinto Basin Rd. We saw the 880 acre Kaiser mine (iron). The north part of the park is Mojave desert; the south part is in the Colorado desert. Different elevation, plants, and rock. Lots of wildflowers in bloom.

Cholla cactus

At home: Our neighbor’s dog came for a visit. Maybe looking for the weasel.

3-23 Thursday - We spent the night in the trailer! Exciting day planned. Not really. We are staying in camp to download photos, do laundry, write blog posts, and putter around camp. We might leave camp to wash the Jeep. It’s color changed yesterday from Moab red to desert gray.

Sorry for the lack of photos lately. I just figured out how to add photos to the website by phone and in the process learned how to add video. See that below.

At home: Snow.

The most excited creosote bush on the internet!

3-22 Wednesday - By morning, the rain had stopped but there was still some wind. We headed off to drive the geology trail that divides east and west JTNP. We found the trail flooded so we found short hikes in other parts of the park.

Color Coordinated Agave/ Rain Jacket

3-21 Supplemental -

Jeep status: Jeep-Jeep thought it spent the night flying through the desert at 60 mph with the lights off and no driver, backwards!

If it stays this windy, we’ll turn Jeep-Jeep around, but it is hard to make a box aerodynamic.

3-21 Tuesday - We checked the weather in more detail, rain and wind gusts to 60 mph predicted. Decided not to risk the tent on the trailer so we packed the tent and slept in the Jeep. It was cozy but not cramped. This morning we took a three mile hike in wind and rain then hung out in the Jeep and worked on blog posts.

3-20 Monday - Started at 29 Palms driving the main road in Joshua Tree NP. Took a couple of hikes. The wind picked up toward the end of the day. Winter storm advisory for Tuesday and Wednesday. Bought groceries on the way back to camp.

Campsite 4, 3-19 Sunday - More Mojave Road today. Then headed south to Joshua Tree NP. Found a campsite surrounded by mountains just outside the park. More cool cactus and agave.

View from campsite across the valley from JTNP

Campsite 3, 3-18 Saturday - Decided to take the scenic route to Death Valley down the Mojave Road. Very pretty area, desert surrounded by mountains. interesting cacti. Detailed Mojave Road trip notes coming.

Our first Joshua Tree sighting along the Mojave Road

3-17 Friday - Checked the weather, 24F predicted for tonight. Decided to change the plan. Drove to Kingman, AZ with a destination of Death Valley. That might change. Saw the YouTuber Trailmater’s place on the way out of Moab. We drove through Monument Valley, and the Painted Desert. Really we’re trying to outrun the cold. We can’t let the water freeze in the trailer.

At home - Fox sighting!

View of Monument Valley from the Road

Fox looking for a weasel dinner

3-16 Thursday - Hiked the Devils Garden trail (7+ miles plus route finding) in Arches. Note to self-Having sticky hiking shoes is a matter of life and death on slick rock. We chose well. The night was super windy and cold.

At home - more snow

See photo of Double O Arch at top of page

3-15 Wednesday - What was predicted as snow at home, was in fact lots of snow. In Moab it rained all day. Stayed in the tent and wrote a blog on the petroglyphs we saw at the last campsite. (blog coming 4-2)

At home - Big shocker, Snow!

Jeep - Filthy, red Moab mud covered, as all jeeps in Moab should be.

3-14 Tuesday - Visited Arches National Park did the tourist drive through, saw all the quick viewpoint stuff. Took lots of photos of mud ripples and a few rocks and arches.

At Home - nothing

Delicate Arch, Arches NP

Campsite 2, 3-13 Monday -  Wished the noisy boys would move. Saw the local petroglyphs. Moved our camp to a quieter location. 

At Home - nothing of note

New Camp - Great view but very exposed

Campsite 1, 3-12 Sunday - We drove to Moab, UT and set up camp next to some very noisy college boys on spring break. They “sang” songs until 1:00 am.

At home - Weasel spotting! He lives in the front yard under the unsplit-wood pile.

Jeep Status - Fully functional, washed on Friday 3-10. Ready for trip!



Change of Perspective


Colorado’s Volcanoes