Pantry Cabinets
April 5-6, 2024 - We are making kitchen cabinets, but first we’re practice on the pantry. Here is the first cut.
His job is machine operator and QC, while I do the marking, labeling, and organization. Soon five sheets of plywood became a pile of parts. I hope they are all cut and labeled correctly!
On the second day, we routed the dados and did a dry fit!
The last test fit is done. Now all we have left to do is sand, glue, varnish, face-frames, demo, electrical… Yeah, most of the project is still in front of us.
And then there is the actual kitchen!
Western Fool’s Gold Extra
No it isn’t pyrite. Here in the west, property with water can be as valuable as gold. The photo is of snow. I changed the color curve to get separation between the messy foreground ice crystals and the clearer better formed snow flakes in the “flatter” section of the photograph. I liked the colors and thought is was interesting.
Come on Over
January 15, 2024 - We find this to be hilarious. In fact, I heard him laughing and had to find out what was so funny. He was looking out the front door at this. Consider that our wood pile is 5 foot tall and the ground beyond it is about a foot lower. Yes that’s at least a five foot snow drift at the front door. Luckily we have nowhere to go and with a bit of luck the wind will shift and blow it away. But if you want, come on over, just use a different door.
Up at Night Explanation
As I drove away from the fur cloud, the truck felt like a symbol rather than an actual truck. In writing this story, I modified the direction of its travel from north to west to follow the sun to hint at its symbolism. I also thought about the intention of each of the characters in the story: the narrator, the dog, the coyote, and the truck. I realized, in a way, we were all going about the same business in the morning as we had been the night before. And finally, while I’m telling you a true story about our adventure, it’s also has elements of fiction. The fiction we tell ourselves.
In addition to changing the direction of travel, I limited the number of characters for simplicity.
As for passing through barbed wire gates, cattle ranchers often rent public land to graze their cattle. Being public land, access is allowed, you just need to close the gate behind you. If access is not wanted, it will be lock or there will be a sign.
Nevada Explanation
We had no idea we were camped next to Area 51 along the Extraterrestrial Highway. It was a beautiful but lonely area. After discovering where we were, I wanted to write a spooky story. I remembered when we were traveling on our honeymoon, he got tangled in his sleeping bag. It was perfect for my story.
We never did figure out how he got turned around in the sleeping bag. Although, he has been known to sleep walk. Maybe he was abducted by aliens and returned upside down in his sleeping bag.
All Unpacked
Yes, the dogs are still asleep but the people have been busy. It was difficult getting all our stuff into this small space but we think it works. Just don't step on a dog. It seems like I'm always walking around or stepping over a dog.