Observations Kat Scott Observations Kat Scott

Come on Over

January 15, 2024 - We find this to be hilarious. In fact, I heard him laughing and had to find out what was so funny. He was looking out the front door at this. Consider that our wood pile is 5 foot tall and the ground beyond it is about a foot lower. Yes that’s at least a five foot snow drift at the front door. Luckily we have nowhere to go and with a bit of luck the wind will shift and blow it away. But if you want, come on over, just use a different door.

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Observations Observations

All Unpacked

Yes, the dogs are still asleep but the people have been busy. It was difficult getting all our stuff into this small space but we think it works. Just don't step on a dog. It seems like I'm always walking around or stepping over a dog.

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