Special Request

October 11, 2023 - After our grouse photo, we received a special request from a friend who does wood carvings. Here is a sample of his work.

Subscriber’s Amazing Geese Carvings

He was looking for detailed photos of Canada Geese so he can study the feathering. While not an unreasonable request and we do enjoy a challenge, finding Canada Geese in Steamboat Springs seemed like it could be the real challenge. I considered the wastewater treatment plant as that is always a great place to find birds.

A few days ago we were in town doing some shopping and drove by Lake Springs. Jackpot! There were several geese hanging out in the park, but we didn’t have our camera so needed to come back. The next day we saw a flock of geese heading south. I was worried that we had missed them.

We needn’t have worried. When we arrived, there were several hundred picking at the grass and swimming in the warm spring. There were ducks and even a crow. Unfortunately, it was raining, which is fine for geese but not for people or cameras.

From the safety of the Jeep, we did manage to get a shot of this crow who was not enjoying the rain. He won’t be happy when it turns to snow later this evening.

Bad timing on our part as it has not rained here in several weeks. We decided to do our errands and come back.

When we returned this is what we shot. (Or rather, took photos of).

Not wanting to miss the opportunity to photograph mallards, we took a few photos of those. We laughed about this strange looking creature.

And then he turned sideways,

then right side up.

We hope our photos meet his needs.



Planning for Bushwhacking


Everything that Breathes