Humor 2024

You don’t have to travel to encounter humorous things. You just have to be open to weirdness. These are some of the odder items we encountered during our travels.

A trailer with a lift.

Woodpeckers that haven’t worked up to trees.

Demons Beware

The crossroads of opportunity and frustration.

This and saltless saltines.

He’s very self-conscious of his ear.

A Life Altering Breakfast

Crispr is a gene editing tool.

We should have gone with the 30-year grass!

No safety-cones?

Stop sticking your finger in my eye!

The original name for a diaper changing station

I see you’re friends with freeloaders who have a dog that pees.

Now you see why I’m not a comic. But, I hope you enjoyed our annual humor post.



Sand, then More Sand


Surface Hoar