What's in my Space

August 1 - I was completing the evening patrol around my territory when I spotted something new! I stopped to look. It was a couple of two-legged creatures. I don’t see those often.

They didn’t notice me so I hopped on.

I was curious. So I watched them through the lingonberry’s. They seemed harmless.

Hare’s-eye View

I went over for a closer look. They still didn’t see me as I have soft feet and I’m clever.


We don’t know the species of hare as a snowshoe hare is a maximum of three pounds. This guy was larger than that, but the other option is an Alaskan hare that only lives in the far north of Alaska. Regardless of the species, he was big and curious. He came within eight feet of us and set there checking us out.

The first time he came through camp it sounded like a galloping horse. We were watching him the second time. He didn’t make a sound.

A cool experience!



A Day of Firsts