Leaf Peeping

Along the road from Ophir to Telluride

It’s fall in the mountains. That means, snow on the peaks with fall color. We drove to Ophir over the weekend. That is, we, along with every other photographer that had some time, drove out. It was very nice. Since this type of photography is more Dennis’ thing, I let him take most of the photos. On the way back north, we decided to try Dave Wood Road. I think it’s the prettiest road that we have traveled on the western slope. The problem is you have to be driving south to see the view and we were headed north. We would drive to a high spot then get out to admire the view of the San Juans. Then drive a little farther and repeat. This road has the added benefit of not being on the highway with all the other leaf peepers.

Leaf Peeping along Dave Wood Road

It difficult for us flatlanders to determine the angle and distance. We’re pretty sure that peak in the middle of the photograph is Last Dollar Mountain, elevation 11,125 ft. It has a funny name and a story. In the 1800’s, if you wanted to go to Telluride you needed to pass through the mountains. The easiest way was over the pass by this mountain. The property owner took advantage of that and charged a dollar to pass. It’s still a good way to go to Telluride but the highway is now faster and both ways will cost you more than a dollar in gas.

Correction: The high point in the middle is Hayden Peak also call S9 (12,987 ft). An unimpressive, from this angle, mountain to the left (east) is Last Dollar Mountain. There are other Hayden Peaks in Colorado. It’s all very confusing, but pretty.


Setting Up For Rain


Tree’s Whiskers