Bear Sighting

September 28, 2023 - Momma Bear and her three cubs crossed our patio at 10:20 last night. Then returned at 1:00. We checked the front yard and found much evidence that they had spent some time there as well as the backyard. They don’t appear to have stopped to get a drink at our pond/animal water fountain. I wonder where they get a drink and where they spend their days?

I’m impressed that she managed to keep all three alive. They have grown so much over the summer. You may remember back on June 3, I posted about the first bear sighting of the summer.

If we didn’t have cameras around the house to catch our visitors, we would still know they have passed through. There is so much bear poo in the yard! Baby bears have to eat a lot to grow big and strong. Too bad we live in their restroom.

Update: We live inot just in four bear”s restroom, it”s a public restroom for wildlife. I cleaned up almost a gallon of poop.!



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