Brush-Footed Butterfly

Back on September 27 I posted a photo of a butterfly and talked about it being in the brush-foot butterfly family. I started thinking about that and went back through my photos trying to find a photo showing it’s “brush-feet.” In the process I discovered I had never really seen a butterfly’s head. They are strange looking. From the angle above you still can’t see the brush-feet but it’s proboscis and spotted (compound) eyes are interesting.

After some more looking, I found the above photo. At first I didn’t realize the feet are just visible in front of its wing until I looked at it from the angle below.

It was hard to find anything online that would show the forelegs. But I finally figured out that the thing marked above is the modified leg.

I hope I haven’t ruined butterflies for you. I think it’s pretty cool.



Everything that Breathes


Pagoda Trail