
Campsite 4, March 21 - We had experienced high winds while camping in Moab. The winter storm in Joshua Tree NP was supposed to be rain with 30 mph sustained wind, gusts to 60 starting on Tuesday morning and ending on Thursday. We had learned to tuck the rain fly down and tie it off during wind. This makes it useless as a rain-fly.  With the rainfly out, doing it’s job, it catches the wind and lifts the tent, making the entire thing flap. If it was going to be windy with rain, tucking the rain-fly down wasn’t an option. Besides, gusts to 60 mph sounds like a good way to shred a tent. We decided not to risk it.

We looked through the camper considering what we might want, pillows, food, water, rain gear, TP and dog poo bags, iPad for entertainment, and reading glasses.

We moved the jerrycan and the pelican case, with our satellite link, out of the Jeep. Both of those things are water proof. We moved the front seats all the way to the front and leaned the seats up. Our camera bags and backpacks went in the front seats leaving the floor in the back of the Jeep empty for us. 

We spread our sleeping bags on the floor in the back, placed our extra clothes in the “attic”. 


The attic is a hammock that hangs from the roll bar over the back seats. It’s great as long as no one want to sit in those seats.

Back Shelf with My Feet Under It

Food went on top of the rear wheel wells. The iPad, with downloaded TV shows, went on the shelf over our feet, where we normally store tools and recovery gear. There was space to stretch out and sit up. Everything we needed was within reach. We were ready for the storm snuggled into the Jeep where we watch TV in our mini home theater.

Update: Several people have asked how this could be fun. We are out exploring the world and sometimes the weather does not cooperate. When the weather is bad we have to improvise and adapt. Knowing and developing the skills to make the best of an uncomfortable situation can be fun. Exploring on a gorgeous day in a beautiful location is definitely fun.



Spring 23 May


Joshua Tree National Park