Snow Country Humor

Jan-13 - This is Friday the thirteenth! Since not everyone can have bad luck on the same day, we have decided it must be our good luck day. We drove into town laughing the whole way so we though we would share some of the things we saw.

In Colorado we are very safety conscious. We have guard rails everywhere but they’re seasonal.

In most parts of the world you don’t want to step off the curb. Here you don’t want to step into them. That house ventured too far from the road and is sliding into the valley.

It’s the snow ice cream truck. You can tell from the fluffy hat. That poor man in yellow is so confused he wanted ice cream.

It a Steamboat Springs mullet.

Rick S says, “It’s a place to keep beer cold on the way home”

King Scoopers will deliver your order first thing, next July.

I like that you can tell how many times the van has been snowed on by counting the bands of snow. It’s just like tree rings (or a glacier).

Stock boy says, “I don’t think we have enough snow shovels to last the season!” The boss replies, “Don’t worry. There are some red ones across the isle.” (We happen to be back in the store a week later and about two thirds of these had been sold. I guess they didn’t over purchase.

I had to censor the photo. The stock boy needs a belt. I guess they don’t have space to sell those.

Sure the only time you don’t pull is when we need to escape the snow monster. It will devour us right after in finishes eating that building!

Help our roof is sliding off again! We haven’t even had time to fix the fence since the last time.

I’m glad they put up pink ribbons to warn people of the danger of falling snow. I was about to wade through the four feet of snow, and jump over the fence to get under there.

Me standing in front of ‘Everest Hill’ which is our name for the mound of snow plowed from our driveway. It’s not an optical illusion. It really is taller than me. I’m pointing at a sundog. A sundog is like a rainbow but it’s formed from refraction of light through ice crystals in the upper atmosphere. They form at the same elevation above the horizon as the sun and at 22 degrees left or right of the sun.

An enlargement of the sundog. Seeing a sundog on a Friday the 13th proves it’s a lucky day!



Snowshoeing under a Snow Moon


Muddy Slide Fire